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A la rencontre du public

April 17th, 2024

This week, from April 16 to 21, geneveMonde.ch will be meeting Genevans and the staff of international organizations at two events.

As part of the "International Geneva exhibition" at Balexert, we are presenting our "Who's online?" installation, which highlights speeches made in Geneva by leading historical figures. geneveMonde.ch will be present alongside 15 international organizations.

And as part of the Festival Histoire et Cité, geneveMonde.ch presents "Dans les rues imaginaires de la Cité mondiale de Paul Otlet", an exhibition in the Parc de l'Ariana, devoted to the project for a World City of Peace that was to have been built between the Parc de l'Ariana and the Perle du Lac. A collaboration with the UN Archives in Geneva, the ILO Archives and the Bibliothèque de Genève, in partnership with the Festival Histoire et Cité.

We hope you'll join us or have the opportunity to discover our work during this week.

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