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The Declaration of Geneva is 100 years old

February 23rd, 2023

In 1919, marked by the horror of the First World War, Eglantyne Jebb, founder of the Save the Children Fund in Great Britain, campaigned for protection specifically for children. In 1920, the Save the Children Fund was structured around the International Union for Children's Relief (IUCR), with the support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). On February 23, 1923, the International Save the Children Union adopted the first Declaration of the Rights of the Child. On September 26, 1924, the League of Nations (League) adopted this declaration, known as the Declaration of Geneva.

In this document, it is written that

The Child must be enabled to develop in a normal way, materially and spiritually.

The hungry child must be fed, the sick child must be cared for, the retarded child must be encouraged, the lost child must be brought back, the orphan and the abandoned must be taken in and helped.

The child must be the first to receive help in times of distress.

The child must be enabled to earn a living and must be protected from exploitation.

The child must be brought up with the feeling that his qualities must be put at the service of his brothers.

Discover the original document by [clicking on this link] (genevemonde.ch/entries/WA417dY...)

David Glaser, pour la rédaction de geneveMonde.ch

Crédit photo : Third Sector

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