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On Saturday 6 April 2024, the Transglobal Car Expedition (of which geneveMonde.ch is a par...
We had the opportunity to ask essential questions about Fridtjof Nansen (League of Nation'...
Photo d'archive de Fridtjof Nansen (à gauche) en 1882 avec Axel Krefting et deux ours pola...
After his miraculous rescue in 1896, Nansen travelled down the Norwegian coast, receiving...
Explorer Nansen's boots and knife, used during the 1893–96 Fram expedition in the Arctic S...
Nansen ready for his great North Pole expedition.
Drawing by Nansen's life-long friend Er...
Par Rebecca Viney-Wood
Texte tiré de 100 ans de multilatéralisme à Genève, Editions Suzan...
Dans cette série en cinq épisodes, l'équipe de geneveMonde vous propose de pénétrer dans l...
Discours prononcé à l'auditorium de l'Université d'Oslo par Fridtjof Nansen lors de la rem...

Discover and enrich the history of International Geneva
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A time for dialogue
In 2003, a man from Geneva initiated a dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians far from the diplomatic arena. His aim: to achieve a two-state solution. The RTS archives bear witness to the dynamic generated by this ‘Geneva Initiative’.