CERN, criticism and protest
CERN, criticism and protest
The podcast produced by Véronique Stenger and David Glaser is devoted to the history of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known by its acronym CERN.
If CERN is the subject of our thematic file on available at the end of November, it is because the creation of CERN, the role played by physicists - many of whom were involved in research on the atomic bomb during the Second World War - and the very strong links between the CERN project and international Geneva are eminently important. This second episode of the podcast focuses on other characteristic aspects of CERN's history: the criticism, fears and social protest that have surrounded CERN over the decades. We rely on archival audio from the archives of Radio Télévision Suisse, the Archives Contestaires de Carouge (Geneva) and the CERN Archives.
Sounds of History is prepared and hosted by Véronique Stenger and David Glaser, recorded by Cyril Delemer, the translations provided by Amy Mosher-Araya.

Discover and enrich the history of International Geneva
A time for dialogue
In 2003, a man from Geneva initiated a dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians far from the diplomatic arena. His aim: to achieve a two-state solution. The RTS archives bear witness to the dynamic generated by this ‘Geneva Initiative’.